Industry Sectors

Quarrying industry

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The quarry industry is very demanding for both workers and machines. 

Spread-out equipment, insufficient staff, tough ambient conditions and cost pressure continuously challenge quarry operators and employees. Automatic lubrication with perma lubrication systems increases workplace safety and equipment availability enormously.


Hard-to-reach and dangerous lubrication points
Hard-to-reach and dangerous lubrication points
Extreme operating conditions (sludge, dust, dirt, temperature changes and vibrations)
Extreme operating conditions (sludge, dust, dirt, temperature changes and vibrations)
High personnel costs from spread out and complex equipment 
High personnel costs from spread out and complex equipment 


Mount a perma lubrication system at the lubrication point. Depending on the conditions prevailing at the lubrication point, the perma lubrication system can either be mounted directly or remotely.

Direct mounting on lubrication point: e.g. perma FLEX
  • Easy, quick mounting
  • For lube-points with little vibration / shocks
  • For easy-to-access and safe lubrication points
Remote mounting to lubrication point: e.g. perma STAR VARIO
  • For lube-points with strong vibration / shocks (isolation of lubrication system)
  • When workers’ safety is at risk: Mounting in safe areas
  • For hard-to-access lubrication points
Marco Lieb

Marco Lieb

Director of Sales | Authorised Officer

Any more questions?

Simply contact us by phone or email for an individual consultation on gravel and quarrying plants.

Advantages of automatic lubrication

Reduces wear

Increase economic efficiency

Reduce danger